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1. is an independent web site and the webmaster has full editorial control.

2. will not knowingly publish the family name of young people under the age of 16 years unless permission has been given by their parents.

3. The home address of people will not be published unless requested by them.

4. Private telephone numbers will only be published at the request of the owner.

5. Private email addresses will only be published with the permission of the owner.

6. will publish news of local interest whether it is controversial or not, however it will not publish personal details of individuals or report on conflicts between neighbours.

7. will not publish details or comment on local planning issues.

8. is not responsible for the content of external internet sites with links from

9. Copyright. Unless stated otherwise, all text and images published on are the property of the Webmaster. Those wishing to copy or reproduce any text or images must obtain permission from the webmaster.

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