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The Central Bedfordshire Council's website has pages about refuse collection. Links to the ones mentioned are below.
The grey bin is for general rubbish that is not recyclable.The green lid bin is for recyclable material. Green garden bins are for garden rubbish. The small brown bin is for food waste. A smaller brown caddy to collect the food waste is supplied for your kitchen. Use your own bags to line these as the green plastic bags ar no longer supplied and put them in the larger brown bin every week. The brown food waste bin is emptied every week. The other bins are emptied on alternative weeks. See the panel above which shows which bins are due for collection next in Cranfield. You can have garden waste collected at the same time as the recycling bin if you subscribe to the chargeable service (see below).
. NOTE: The garden waste collection is suspended for several weeks during the winter.
Click here to order any of the bins .

The Council's Waste & Recycling Page is here:-

You can take your garden refuse to Ampthill Tidy Tip. No charge or appointment needed  ID checks can now made. Details available here:-

Any changes to the collection day are usually advised by means of a ticket attached to your bin.

The Council's information about collection days throught the county are here:-

To request a replacement bin telephone 0300 300 8302 or order via their website. Charges are now being made for replacement of the grey bin.

This information is for residents of the main Cranfield Village*. If you live on the outskirts of  the village your collection day/and bin type might not be the same.
*please let us know if your collection (within the village) is different to above.
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A Bottle Bank is available in the car park of the Co-op in the High Street.  They are emptied every week. If they are full please don't leave bottles on the ground.


These are the various glass types accepted:-

Caps can be left on bottles and lids on jars.


Please dont place kitchenware glass such as drinking glasses or Pyrex dishes, vases, any kind of ceramics, lightbulbs, mirrors or sheet glass in the bottle banks. Please take them to the Ampthill Tidy Tip and place them in the general rubbish containers.

Food waste bags are no longer supplied by Central Beds Council.
You now have to use your own bags. Most types can be used. The indoor caddy size is 7 litres. More details on Cent Beds website here
Garden Waste collection winter break
The last Cranfield collection in 2024 was on 18th November. Collections will be resumed on 24th February 2025.
Usual collection day    Revised day
Monday, 23 Dec . Saturday, 21st Dec.
Monday, 30th Dec. No change
Tuesday 31st Dec.         No change

View all the Christmas collection details here
Christmas & New Year collection   changes in Cranfield

Usual collection day

Revised day

Monday, 23 Dec.

Saturday, 21st Dec

Monday, 30th Dec.

No change

  View all the Christmas collection details here

The GARDEN WASTE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE pages on the central Beds website gives details about obtaining or renewing your permit subscription for the bins to be collected this year. Select the underlined link above to open the page.

LATEST: If your black bin is lost, stolen or damaged (and you can't prove it was damaged by the operator) and you need a replacement, you will be charged £36.48 - and the bins remain the property of Central Beds!
Permit holders garden bins will be collected from Monday 24th February in Cranfield.
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